3.3.1 SGP-PEL-i-COV | PEL Manual Cover | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-iv-ROA | AMENDMENTS PAGE | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.3 SPL | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.3 Issue a Student Pilot Authorisation | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.4 PPL | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.4 Conduct Issue/Renewal/Re-Issuance of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) Including Additional Category/Type/Class Rating | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.5 CPL | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.5 Issue a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) Including Additional Category/Type/Class Rating | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.6 ATPL | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.6 Issue an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) Including Additional Category/Type Rating | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.7 IFR | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.7 Conduct Initial Issue/Renewal/Re-Issue of an Instrument Rating (IFR) | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.8 DFE | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.8 Authorise, Designate or Renew a Pilot Examiner Authorisation | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-EL01 | Flight Engineer or Flight Engineer Instructor Licence, Rating, Authorisation, Conversion or Validation Certificate Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-NL01 | Flight Navigator or Flight Navigator Instructor Licence, Authorisation, Conversion or Validation Certificate Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-PL01 | Pilot or Pilot Instructor Licence, Rating, Authorisation, Conversion or Validation Certificate Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL01 | Flight Operations Officer/Flight Dispatcher Licence, Conversion or Validation Certificate Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL03 | Letter of Discontinuance | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL04 | Notice of Denial | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL05 | Letter of Designation | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL06 | Letter of Denial of Examiner Authorisation as Result of Unsatisfactory Skill Test | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL13 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Instrument Rating) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL14 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Flight Instructor Licence) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL15 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Flight Instructor Instrument Licence) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL16 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Flight Instructor Licence for Additional Type Ratings) | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL17 | Findings and Recommendations Relating to Compliance with ICAO | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL18 | Student Pilot Authorisation | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL19 | Private Pilot Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL20 | Commercial Pilot Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL21 | Airline Transport Pilot Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL22 | Validation Certificate | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL23 | Instructor for Flight Simulation Training Device Authorisation | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL24 | Flight Navigator Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL25 | Flight Engineer Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL26 | Flight Operations Officer/Dispatcher Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL27 | Flight Instructor Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL28 | Verification of Authenticity of Foreign Licence, Rating(s) and Medical Certificate | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-FL29 | Ground Instructor Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-DL01 | Medical Form: Application Form For Medical Certificate | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-DL02 | Medical Form: Aviation Medical Examiner Authorisation Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-DL03 | Medical Form: Notice of Denial of Medical Certificate | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-DL04 | Medical Form: Medical Certificate | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-KL01 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Knowledge Test Report | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-KL02 | Knowledge Testing Form: Licensing Knowledge Test Management Checklist | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-KL03 | Knowledge Testing Form: Test Item Development Checklist | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-KL04 | Knowledge Testing Form: Example Applicant Critique | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-KL05 | Knowledge Testing Form: Daily Log for Knowledge Test | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL01 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Maintenance Technician Licence, Rating, Conversion or Validation Certificate Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL02 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Repairman Licence or Rating Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL03 | Knowledge Testing Form: Parachute Rigger Licence or Rating Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL04 | Knowledge Testing Form: Inspection Authorisation Licence or Rating Application | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL05 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Maintenance Technician Skill Test Planning Sheet | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL06 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Maintenance Technician Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL07 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Private Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL08 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL09 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL10 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner Licence - Helicopter) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL11 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter) | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-PEL-FL12 | Applicant Skill Test/Proficiency Check Checklist Appointment with Examiner (Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Helicopter) | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-vi-TOC | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.1 PEL SYSTEM INTRO | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System
12.1 - Introduction to the CAA of [State] PEL System.? | | | |
3.3.1 SGP-PEL-1.2 KNO TEST | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
Chapter 12.2 Theoretical Knowledge Testing for a Licence or Rating | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-PEL-1.10 AMEL | Chapter 12:
The Personnel Licensing (PEL) System:
12.9 Issue an Aviation Maintenance Engineer License? | | | |
3.3.1 SCF-PEL-KL06 | Knowledge Testing Form: Example Job Aid/Checklist for Surveillance of a Test Centre's Knowledge Testing Procedures | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL07 | Knowledge Testing Form: Inspector Authorisation Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL08 | Knowledge Testing Form: Aviation Maintenance Repairman Licence | | | |
3.3.1 SGF-PEL-XL09 | Knowledge Testing Form: Parachute Rigger Licence | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-i-COV | OPS MANUAL COVER | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-iv-ROA | AMENDMENTS PAGE | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-vi-TOC | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-1 | Chapter 1:
Abbreviations and Definitions | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-2 F OPS INSP ORG | Chapter 2:
The Flight Operations Inspection Organisation | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-3 APP ACC | Chapter 3:
Generic Approval and Acceptance Processes | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-4 | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-4.1 AOC CERT FlowChart | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification
(Chapter 4, Appendix 1) Certification Process Flow Chart | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-4.2 AOC CERT OPSPECS | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification
(Appendix 2) Operations Specifications | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-4.3 | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification Certification History File - Filing procedures | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-4.4 | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification Certification History File - File Tabs (Divider Pages) | | | |
3.3.2 GSP-OPS-AIR-4.5-SOC | Chapter 4:
AOC Certification Evaluate and use a Statement of Compliance. | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-5.1 ATO CERT | Chapter 5:
Approved Training Organization (ATO) Certificate -
Flight Crew Training, Application,
Evaluation & Certification | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-5.2 TPM EVAL | Chapter 5:
Approved Training Organization (ATO) Certificate -
Evaluating a Training and Procedures Manual (TPM) | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.1 MEL EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.1 Evaluate A Minimum Equipment List (MEL) | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.2 CDL EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.2 Evaluate A Configuration Deviation List (CDL) | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.3 TRNG PROG EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.3 Evaluate a Training Programme | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.4 OPS CONTR EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.4 Evaluation of AOC Operational Control Procedures | | | |
Certification Functions:
3.3.2 SGP-OPS/AIR-6.5.1 | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.5.1 Evaluation and use of a Statement of Compliance | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.6 | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.6 Evaluate an Operator's Quality System | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.7 AOM EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.7 Evaluate an Operator's Aircraft Operating Manual (AOM) | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-06.8 AC PERF PLAN MAN | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.7 Evaluate an Aircraft Performance Planning Manual | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-06.9 CAM EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.9 Evaluate a Cabin Crewmember Manual | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.10 LOAD HAN MAN EVAL | Chapter 6:
6.10 Evaluate a Loading and Handling Manual | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.11 ROUTE GUIDE EVAL | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.11 Evaluate A Route Guide | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-6.11-2 EFB APL REVIEW | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.11 Evaluate A Route Guide | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-7 | Chapter 7:
Continuing Safety Oversight and Surveillance | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.1 BASE INSP | Chapter 8:
8.1 Conduct a Base Inspection CONDUCT A BASE INSPECTION | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.2 | Chapter 8:
8.2 Conduct a Flight deck En Route Inspection | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.3 RAMP INSP | Chapter 8:
8.3 Conduct a Ramp (Apron) Inspection | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.4 PROF COMP CHECK | Chapter 8:
8.4 Conduct a Proficiency / Competency Check Inspection of an Airman or Check Airman | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.5 | Chapter 8:
8.5 Conduct Training Program Inspections | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-8.6 CAB ENROUTE INSP | Chapter 8:
8.6 Conduct a Cabin En Route Inspection | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-9 | Chapter 9: - RESERVED | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-10 | Chapter 10: - RESERVED | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-11 | Chapter 11:
Resolution of Safety Concerns | | | |
3.3.2 SGP-OPS-12 | Chapter 12: RESERVED:
Dangerous Goods:
Approval of an Application to Authorize Operators to Transport Dangerous Goods by Air as Cargo?. (Associated with SGA-01; SGP-OPS-04; SGP-OPS-04-APP-2) | | | |
3.3.2 SGC-AOC?-01 | | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-i-COV | AIR MANUAL COVER | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-iv-ROA | AMENDMENTS PAGE | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-vi-TOC | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-1.1 | Chapter 1: Reserved 1.1 Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-2.1 | Chapter 2:
2.1 Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-2.2 | Chapter 2:
2.2 Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-2.3 | Chapter 2:
2.3 Procedure for Establishing an Annual Surveillance Program. | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.1 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
2.4 Generic process for inspection, certification and continuing surveillance of air operators (AOC), ?maintenance organizations (AMO) and maintenance training (AMT) organizations | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.2 MCM APP | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.2 Operator's Maintenance Control Manual review and approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.3 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.3 Non-compliance findings | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.4 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.5 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.6 MX PROG APP | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.6 Approval of the operator's maintenance program | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.7 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.7 AOC-Approval of the operator's maintenance system | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.7a | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.7 Operator's responsibility for maintenance | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.8 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.8 Renewal of approval of an operator's maintenance system | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.9 RELIABILITY PROG EST | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.9 Guidance for the establishment of the reliability program and for the on-going oversight of reliability programs & for maintenance program escalation | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.10 RELIABILITY PROG SUR | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.10 Continuing oversight of reliability program | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.11 MX PROG SUR | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.11 Continuing oversight of maintenance program | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.12 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.12 Approval of modifications and repairs | | | |
SGP-AIR-3.13 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.13 Mandatory occurrence reporting Guidance material
| | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.14 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.15 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.16 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.18 REP UNAPP PARTS | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
1. Reporting of unapproved parts
2. Proper usage of parts removed from an aircraft no longer in service or for the disposal of scrapped parts? | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.19 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.20 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.21 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
1. Reporting of unapproved parts
2. Proper usage of parts removed from an aircraft no longer in service or for the disposal of scrapped parts?
3.21 Certification of maintenance/ Aircraft certificate of release to service | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.22 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.22 Continuing safety oversight of the operator's maintenance responsibility | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.23 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.23 Cabin En-Route Inspection | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.24 RAMP INSP | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.24 Ramp inspections | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.25 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.25 Guidance to verify that the operator employs qualified personnel to ensure that maintenance is carried out in accordance with the maintenance control manual | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.26 MX PERS MIN QUAL | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.26 Minimum qualification requirements for maintenance staff | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.27 | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.27 Guidance to ensure personnel continue to meet requirements for their positions | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.28 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.29 MX CONTRACTS APP | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.29 Review and approval of maintenance contracts
| | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.30 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.31 LEASE AND INTERCH OF AC | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.31 Lease agreements approval of commercial air transport operators regarding requirements for a clear designation of the responsibilities to sign the maintenance release of aircraft. | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-3.32 CONTRACTED MX | Chapter 3:
Approval of Modifications and Repairs:
3.32 Contracted/subcontracted maintenance | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.1 | Chapter 4; 4.1 Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.2 | Chapter 4:
RVSM approval
4.2 RVSM approval? | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.3 | Chapter 4:
BRNAV/RNP approval
4.3 BRNAV/RNP approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.4 | Chapter 4:
Low visibility operations (LVO) approval
4.4 Low visibility operations (LVO) approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.5 | Chapter 4:
ETOPS approval
A4.5 ETOPS approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-4.6 | Chapter 4:
MEL/CDL review and approval
4.6 MEL/CDL review and approval? | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-5.1 | Chapter 5: Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.1 AMO CERT | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
Procedure for certification and approval of maintenance organizations | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.2 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.3 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.4 MPM EVAL | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.4 Maintenance Organization Procedures Manual review and approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-OPS-AIR-06.5 | Chapter 6:
Certification Functions:
6.5 Evaluation and use of a Statement of Compliance | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.6 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.7 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.8 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.9 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.9 Continuing oversight of approved maintenance organizations | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.10 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.11 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.12 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.13 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.14 | Reserved | | | |
SGP-AIR-6.15 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.15 Maintenance records and record keeping system | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.16 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.17 SPEC MX ACT QUAL | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.17 Qualification procedures for specialized maintenance activities | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.18 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.19 | Chapter 6: AMO Certification Evaluation of AMO Training Programmes | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.20 | AMO Certification | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.21 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.19 Evaluation of Maintenance Training Programmes | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.22 CAPAB LIST EVAL | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.22 Evaluation of Capabiltity List of Maintenance Organisation | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.23 | | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.24 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.2 Facility inspection | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.25 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.25 Foreign maintenance organization approval | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.26 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-6.27 | Chapter 6:
AMO Certification
6.27 Maintenance data inspection | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-7.1 | Chapter 7:ATO Approval
7.1 Approval of maintenance aviation training organizations (ATOs) (Requirements and procedures.) | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-8.0 | Chapter 8:
8.0 AME Licensing? | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.2 | Chapter 9:
Type Certification
9.2 Issuance of a validationot applicablecceptance of a type certificate issued by another State Authority | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.3 CoR ISSUANCE | Chapter 9:
C of R
9.3 Issuance of a Certificate of Registration (C of R) | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.4 | Chapter 9:
Aircraft Files
9.4 Guidance for maintaining aircraft files on the national register and guidance on how to organize and maintain the national aircraft register | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.5 CoA ISS AND REN | Chapter 9:
C of A
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.6 AC REGISTER | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.6 Certificate of airworthiness renewal | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.7 | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.7 Issuance of a first certificate of airworthiness of an aircraft type | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.8 CoA VALIDATION | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.8 Validation of the C of A issued by another Authority | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.9 NOISE CERT VAL | Chapter 9:
Evaluation for Issuance or Validation of a Noise Certificate | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.10 EXPORT COA | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.10 Issuance of an Export C of A | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.12 | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.12 Issuance of a flight permit | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.13 | Chapter 9:
C of A
9.13 Continuing airworthiness oversight of aircraft | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-9.14 DEV MAND AW DIR | Chapter 9:
C of A
Developing own mandatory airworthiness action (airworthiness directives) on a product for which the State of Registry is not the State of Design | | | |
3.3.3 SGP-AIR-03 | Continuing Airworthiness for Aging Aircraft | | | |
3.3.3 SGC-AMO-01 | | | | |
3.3.1 SGC-ATO-?01 | Reserved | | | |
3.3.5 SUR-01 | Reserved | | | |