The Civil Avian Committee (CAC) shall be responsible for strategic planning, formulation and ensuring implementation of the SASO programmes and projects. The CAC shall conduct its meetings in accordance with its own Standing Rules and Procedures. The functions of the CAC shall be to develop policies and to give general directions on the implementation and achievement of the objectives and functions of the SASO.
Without limiting the generality of sub-article 12.3 of the SASO Charter, the CAC shall:
- recommend to the Ministers for approval, appointment of the Executive Director and his or her conditions of employment;
- review the performance of the Executive Director;
- recommend to Ministers for approval the organisational structure, staff service rules, policies and procedures for the SASO;
- consider reports submitted to it by the Executive Director;
- establish Technical Committees;
- review and recommend to Ministers for approval generic civil aviation regulations, manuals and procedures developed by the Technical Committees;
- recommend to Ministers for approval the financial structure, strategic plans and budget for the SASO on an annual basis and recommend a formula for the contributions to be made to the approved budget by the respective Member States;
- review and recommend to Ministers for approval the annual work programmes of the SASO;
- consider and recommend to Ministers for approval matters relating to the procurement and disposal of assets of the SASO, and
- perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by Ministers, or that may be necessary for the proper implementation of the SASO Charter.