The AVIATION SYSTEM BLOCK UPGRADE (ASBU) FUNDAMENTALS WORKSHOP was held on the 15th to the 17th May 2024, at the Mountain View, in Mbabane, Eswatini.
Considering the APIRG/26 Conclusion 26/27 to support APIRG activities, the intention of the planned workshop was to present the fundamentals of the ASBU framework covering the current sixth edition of the GANP (ICAO Doc 9750) as well as select elements of version five of the GANP which are important for consideration. Each of the three performance improvement areas, namely - Information, Operations and Technology were covered.
The Aim of the workshop was to enable participants with understanding the structure of the ASBU framework and importantly the prerequisites and dependencies that each thread, module or element has.
The target audience was any staff member from a Regulator/ANSP or stakeholders that needed to gain a basic understanding of the ABSU framework and how it impacts aviation operations.
The workshop was organized and hosted by SASO and was presented by ICAO. The workshop was attended by participants from Angola, DRC, Eswatini, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The workshop was facilitated by Mr Colin Bryant, the ICAO-ESAF Regional Officer.
From left Mr Edgar Dupont, Technical Coirdinator Operations, Centre Mr Colin Bryant ICAO ESAF Regional Officer and Mr Kabo Phutietsile SASO Executive Director | Mr Colin Bryant Facilitated the ICAO ASBU Fundamentals Workshop |