To expedite the launching of the SADC Aviation Safety Organisation (SASO), at their meeting in October 2013, SADC Ministers of Transport and Meteorology approved establishing an Interim SASO (iSASO) Secretariat until the SADC Council of Ministers approves the SASO Charter, outlining the legal and institutional framework for SASO. On the 2nd of May 2023, DRC became the 12th signatory to the SASO Charter. This was a milestone as it marked transition from interim status to full status of the SASO.

SASO Secretariat in Eswatini

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing the SASO Secretariat in Eswatini, and the Eswatini Hosting Agreement, were considered and signed in May 2015 by the Government of Eswatini and the Executive Secretary of SADC. COSCAP-SADC staff relocated to Eswatini in November 2015 to initiate the operationalisation of the SASO as described in provisions of the MoU.

Two transitions were identified towards establishment of the SASO:

  • From COSCAP-SADC Project to Interim SASO (iSASO) with the Project Coordinator and Project Staff transitioning to iSASO under the MoU with an Acting Interim Executive Director (iED(Ag)); and
  • iSASO to SASO under the SASO Charter with an Interim Executive Director (iED).

The two transitions have been completed. An Interim SASO Executive Director has been recruited and the SASO has been operationalised.

iSASO Strategic Plan icon.png
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